One of my clients were recently stuck in an area of life and experiencing fear of what would happen if they took a particular action. This fear had them paralyzed from taking any action and they were frustrated.
Because this is a very common barrier to producing results in life I thought it valuable to provide you with one of the many exercises that I use in coaching which helps my clients gain insights and pathways to desired results.
The unconscious part of the brain that is responsible for our survival is always at work to ensure we are safe. When there is a perception that our safety could be jeopardized our focus goes to one or a combination of fight, flight or freeze.
Human beings have been on this planet a very long time and this is the part of our brain that played a big part in our survival. No matter how logical we are that the fear is just a perception and not real we will remain stuck until we can communicate otherwise on the level of the subconscious mind. Like being in a cage with a tiger it can seem like we are out of control or powerless to alter our situation. The results we want in life as positive as they may seem will remain out of reach until we handle this underlying fear.
So, identify your fear. Then make a plan with some smaller steps you can take to gradually lessen your discomfort.
Take 5 minutes. Take out a piece of paper and a pen. And write down all the wonderful ways you can come up with how making this change will improve your life.
These are a few ways you can start overcoming the fear and move one with your life.